-----Phase 6-----MAIN TRAIN CAR
You managed to snag one of the few cars on the train that isn't packed. As a matter of fact, there doesn't seem to be anyone around this car and the one neighboring car, aside from one Ace Dick clone. The Ace Dick clone seems to be an employee, and is standing next to a phone mounted on the wall. If you wanted to, you could move into one of the nearby cars and wait there for as long as you wanted. If you want to get off at your destination, use !movespecial, or else you will remain on the train next phase.
...Why are there so many of these small human-looking creatures everywhere?
Zero [Cathode]BOT24-Apr-21 09:02 PM
As far as I'm aware...
They're imaginary constructs.
A detective by the name of Ace Dick made all of them with the power of his imagination.
T.I. #97 [Brinelex Brine]BOT24-Apr-21 09:03 PM
Zero [Cathode]BOT24-Apr-21 09:03 PM
That Zombie is another example of this.
I know this because the Zombie told me himself.
Why they are all here in New Jersey? I wouldn't know.
T.I. #97 [Brinelex Brine]BOT24-Apr-21 09:04 PM
I guess it makes this place more lively.
I'm not used to the universes I explore being so full like that.
Zero [Cathode]BOT24-Apr-21 09:04 PM
Indeed. At least there's creatures to interact with.
T.I. #97 [Brinelex Brine]BOT24-Apr-21 09:04 PM
I have yet to see any impossible geometry here. Quite surprising.
Zero [Cathode]BOT24-Apr-21 09:05 PM
It all makes a surprising amount of sense, indeed.
Nothing like Tier X.
sudsBOT24-Apr-21 09:25 PM
Zero goes over to the phone and dials a number
He talks on the phone for a little while
T.I goes and looks at the ace dick clone
He then shrugs and goes on with his day
MysteryBotBOT24-Apr-21 09:38 PM
ZERO moved to: ???
T.I. #97 stayed here.
-----Phase 7-----MAIN TRAIN CAR
You managed to snag one of the few cars on the train that isn't packed. As a matter of fact, there doesn't seem to be anyone around this car and the one neighboring car, aside from one Ace Dick clone. The Ace Dick clone seems to be an employee, and is standing next to a phone mounted on the wall. If you wanted to, you could move into one of the nearby cars and wait there for as long as you wanted. If you want to get off at your destination, use !movespecial, or else you will remain on the train next phase.